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February Must Haves

5 Things I Love Right Now

It’s hard to believe the first month of 2019 has already passed! How are you doing with those resolutions? Maybe you are crushing it, or maybe it’s a slow process. Either way, do not worry because resolution is just a fancy word for goal. And goals are dreams that do not expire. So, keep pushing yourself this year and beyond. Speaking of resolutions, one of mine was more self-care. On my list of must haves this month are five of my favorite items currently contributing to that goal. Let me tell you how and why I love using them.

5 Things I Love Right Now...

Last August, I shared the must haves after my beauty overhaul. One thing left off that list was deodorant. And for good reason – it’s been a journey. Let me start by saying making the switch to natural deodorant is ROUGH. After 20 years of applying toxins to my underarms, it’s no wonder I experienced some backlash from my body. Bumps, rashes, burning, redness, and odor. Yes, y’all, I totally stunk of a wonderful onion scent for a couple weeks. I finally started to find relief when I began exfoliating (with shower gloves or a loofa) for 30 seconds per underarm while showering. During all of this, I went through several product tests, never feeling like the deodorant was actually lasting. That was until Love and Beauty Planet Argan Oil and Lavender Deodorant – plus it totally smells amazing. It’s also cruelty-free, aluminum-free, paraben-free, and alcohol-free. If you can tolerate the inevitable side effects for anywhere from a couple weeks to a couple months, you must have this natural deodorant – it’s totally worth it.

2. Pure™ Organic There are tons of Pure™ snack products to choose from, but we are loving the Layered Fruit Bars. Brad describes them as an “adult Fruit Roll-up.” They come in two flavors made with real fruit and veggie juices and purees – strawberry and banana, and pineapple and passionfruit – which are both the perfect combo of sweet and tart. No artificial flavors, preservatives or synthetic colors are used. At only 60 calories a bar, they are certified organic, non-GMO Project Verified, vegan, and gluten-free. For a refreshing, healthy snack on the go or when your produce drawer is running low, these bars are a must have.

Brad and I discovered a love of puzzles at the end of last year and have been totally addicted ever since. It’s a great way to wind down in the evenings, catch up on our day together, and break away from technology for a while. We have a standing 7pm puzzle date, except on Mondays when The Bachelor is on – because priorities! Our preference is 1,000 pieces, which usually takes us anywhere from two to five nights to complete.We have bought A LOT of puzzles in a few short months, many of them from Buffalo Games & Puzzles. The pictures are fun, the colors are vivid, the pieces are good quality, and the boxes are small – so great for storing when you have limited space. I linked the three shown in the above photo, but there are tons on Amazon to choose from! Take a break from checking Instagram for the hundredth time and try one of these must have puzzles instead.

4. Weekly Magnet Pad

We all seem to have endless to-do lists and not enough days of the week to do them. It’s easy to get wrapped up in the daily grind and forget to make time for the most important person – yourself. That’s where a weekly magnet pad comes into play. You can plan your week out assigning specific appointments, tasks, etc. to each day. Stick it to your refrigerator where you cannot miss it and it’s easy to see exactly when and how everything will get done, plus when you have availability to schedule a little “me time.” Here’s the best part – nothing is set in stone. If you planned to do laundry Monday, but it did not work out, just cross it off and move it to later in the week. My love of kraft paper led me to this style on Amazon. But there are plenty of different styles available on Amazon and from other retailers. If you are wondering when you will get some time to yourself, you must have a weekly magnet pad to pencil it in.

Is there anything more self-care worthy than a little journaling and meditation? My sweet friend (hi, Jen!) gave me the lululemon journal as a gift and I could not love it more. I will be honest – journaling and sitting still is hard for me. But 108 Days of mindphilosophy™ makes it easier. As described inside, it’s “your non-judgy best friend.” It contains 108 ways to practice mindfulness. Just think – that’s less than a third of the year. Making time even two to three times a week to just take a deep breath and reflect is so good for the mind, body, and soul. My favorite part of the journal is each day asks a question. I find it challenging to just write my thoughts without having a plan or purpose, so I like this gentle nudge in the right direction. If you want to be more mindful day to day, you must have this journal.

I promise you will love these things, too…happy shopping!


© 2016 to 2025 by Peace of Burlap

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