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With Love And Much Happiness

Our Wedding Invitations

I envisioned a rustic, yet romantic, style with a whimsical flair. But I was not confident I could translate it from my head to my hand. I knew I wanted it to pair with our save the date as a set. The outcome? Playful font combinations and hand-drawn elements brought our wedding invitation to life. Ten years worth of designs and this is by far my favorite. Plus, I kept my promise – our invitations cost less than three dollars each to mail. In fact, I came in under my two-stamp “budget” at one seventy-cent stamp. Let’s all celebrate my small victory before I spend the money on something else.

Here is a behind the scenes look at the production process and completed invitation design…

"What is done in love is done well."

-Vincent Van Gogh

Our custom stamp by Red Cloud Studio on Etsy made a second appearance. To connect the design back to our save the dates, I created paper tag embellishments. I cut circles out of kraft paper with a three-inch circle lever punch. After stamping, I added a single hole punch for tying.

Our full kraft paper set includes the invitation, RSVP, details, and direction cards. I designed, printed and trimmed each piece myself. Thankfully, I did not lose any fingers during my stint with the paper cutter.

Using strands of frayed burlap ribbon and jute each invitation set was wrapped and finished with the paper tag. Then, sealed in matching kraft paper envelopes with a “handmade with love” sticker, once again. Brad was enlisted as a human tape dispenser as we added two strips of washi tape to secure and complete the package.

With love and much happiness…the design says it all. There are less than sixty days until our wedding at Bluemont Vineyard. And suddenly we look forward to walking to our mailbox every day – at least until March 3rd.


© 2016 to 2025 by Peace of Burlap

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