Stop And Smell Them
The last few mornings have been rainy, how fitting. April is almost over (can you believe it?). But on the bright side, the beautiful flowers of May will soon be in full bloom! Simple pleasures like this are often taken for granted. Flowers are abundant everywhere, so common, they go unnoticed at times. When is the last time you stopped and smelled the flowers?
For me, it was yesterday.
It was a typical morning sorting through my inbox of work emails. Until, I came across something unusually special. A coworker sent me an email with this message:
Happiness keeps you sweet,
Trials keep you strong,
Sorrows keep you human,
Failures keep you humble,
Success keeps you glowing,
But…only friends keep you going!
Appropriately, it was paired with photos of brightly colored flowers. It was impossible not to smile. Which led me to think - flowers have extraordinary power. In any form, they undeniably brighten your day.

"There are always flowers for those who want to see them."
-Henri Matisse
Flowers say so much in moments of expectation. From “thanks for everything” to “sorry for being a jerk.” “Love you so much” to “miss you.” And of course, “Happy Birthday”…or any wish on a special occasion or holiday. But greater pleasure is found in moments without expectation. Simply, “hello, I am thinking of you.” The times you can just take notice – flowers are everywhere. From outdoor landscapes, to photographs, to kitchen tables...and beyond. In any form, find joy in the brightness and sweet reminder of renewal, freshness, and growth.
With simple pleasures blooming all around us, it does not have to be May or a special occasion to stop and smell the flowers. Have a beautiful Friday, friends!